Contributor’s Guide


To install for development, install from source (and be sure to install the development requirements as well):

$ git clone
$ cd data-object-service-schemas
$ python develop
$ pip install -r requirements.txt


We use Sphinx for our documentation. You can generate an HTML build like so:

$ cd docs/
$ make html

You’ll find the built documentation in docs/build/.


To run tests:

$ nosetests python/

The Travis test suite also tests for PEP8 compliance (checking for all errors except line length):

$ flake8 --select=E121,E123,E126,E226,E24,E704,W503,W504 --ignore=E501 python/

Schema architecture

The canonical, authoritative schema is located at openapi/data_object_service.swagger.yaml. All schema changes must be made to the Swagger schema, and all other specifications (e.g. SmartAPI, OpenAPI 3) are derived from it.

Building documents

The schemas are editable as OpenAPI 2 YAML files. To generate OpenAPI 3 descriptions install swagger2openapi and run the following:

$ swagger2openapi -y openapi/data_object_service.swagger.yaml > openapi/data_object_service.openapi.yaml

Code contributions

We welcome code contributions! Feel free to fork the repository and submit a pull request. Please refer to this contribution guide for guidance as to how you should submit changes.